
News > Are Automatic Door Sensors Compatible with Various Automatic Door Control Systems and Brands?

Are Automatic Door Sensors Compatible with Various Automatic Door Control Systems and Brands?

Edor | 2024/07/31


Automatic door sensors are critical components in automatic door systems, responsible for detecting approaching persons or objects and triggering the door's opening or closing. With the development and expansion of automatic door technology, various brands and models of automatic door control systems have emerged. This article will explore the compatibility issues of automatic door sensors, analyzing their suitability with different automatic door control systems and brands, to provide users with a reference when selecting and using automatic door sensors.

Types and Working Principles of Automatic Door Sensors

Before discussing compatibility, it is necessary to understand the types and working principles of automatic door sensors. The common types of automatic door sensors include:

Infrared Sensors

Infrared sensors detect objects by emitting and receiving infrared rays. When an object enters the detection range, the infrared rays are reflected or blocked, and the sensor detects this change, triggering the automatic door switch. Infrared sensors are cost-effective and suitable for most scenarios but can be affected by changes in ambient light.

Microwave Sensors

Microwave sensors detect objects by emitting microwave signals and receiving their reflections. When an object enters the detection range, the frequency or intensity of the reflected signal changes, allowing the sensor to determine the presence and movement of the object. Microwave sensors are known for their high accuracy and strong penetration capabilities, making them suitable for complex environments, albeit at a higher cost.

Ultrasonic Sensors

Ultrasonic sensors detect objects by emitting high-frequency sound waves and receiving their echoes. When an object enters the detection range, the time and intensity of the echoes change, enabling the sensor to determine the object's position. Ultrasonic sensors are suitable for special environments such as high temperatures or dusty areas but have certain limitations in detection accuracy and range.

Brands and Types of Automatic Door Control Systems

The market currently offers a variety of automatic door control system brands, each with distinct features in terms of functionality and compatibility. The major brands and types include:


Dorma is a globally renowned manufacturer of automatic door systems, with products widely used in commercial buildings, public facilities, and residences. Dorma's automatic door control systems are known for their stability and high performance, compatible with various types of automatic door sensors.


Stanley is a famous supplier of building hardware and automatic door systems, known for the reliability and multifunctionality of its automatic door control systems. Stanley's systems are flexibly designed to accommodate different brands and types of sensors.


Geze is a company specializing in automatic doors and building technology, holding a significant position in the European market. Geze's systems are characterized by intelligence and high efficiency, offering good compatibility with various sensors.


KBB is a leading Chinese manufacturer of automatic door systems, with products widely used in public transportation, commercial buildings, and residences. KBB's automatic door control systems are known for their high cost-effectiveness and ease of maintenance, supporting various sensors.

Compatibility Analysis of Automatic Door Sensors

Importance of Compatibility

In practical applications, the compatibility of automatic door sensors is a critical factor affecting the performance and stability of the automatic door system. Sensors with good compatibility can seamlessly connect with different brands and types of automatic door control systems, providing stable and reliable detection functions. Poorly compatible sensors may cause system failures and even compromise user safety.

Factors Affecting Compatibility

  1. Communication Protocols: Different brands and models of automatic door control systems may use different communication protocols, such as RS485 or CAN bus. Compatible sensors need to support the corresponding communication protocols to ensure proper communication with the control system.
  2. Electrical Interfaces: The connection between the automatic door sensors and the control system requires matching electrical interfaces, such as voltage, current, and wiring methods. Compatible sensors must meet the electrical interface requirements of the control system to ensure stable power supply and signal transmission.
  3. Software Protocols: Some automatic door control systems exchange data with sensors through software protocols. Compatible sensors need to support the corresponding software protocols to ensure correct data transmission and processing.

Compatibility Testing

Conducting compatibility testing is a necessary step to ensure the proper functioning of automatic door sensors when selecting them. The test content includes:

  1. Communication Testing: By actually connecting the sensor to the control system, test the stability and accuracy of data transmission to ensure the sensor can correctly trigger the automatic door switch.
  2. Electrical Testing: Test the matching of the electrical interfaces between the sensor and the control system to ensure normal power supply and signal transmission, avoiding failures due to electrical incompatibility.
  3. Software Testing: Test the matching of software protocols between the sensor and the control system to ensure correct data transmission and processing, enabling the sensor to function properly.

Common Compatibility Issues and Solutions

In practical applications, the compatibility issues of automatic door sensors with control systems mainly focus on the following aspects:

  1. Communication Protocol Mismatch: Some sensors may not support the communication protocol of the control system, resulting in an inability to communicate properly. The solution is to choose sensors that support the corresponding communication protocols or use protocol converters to achieve protocol compatibility.
  2. Electrical Interface Mismatch: The voltage, current, or wiring method of the sensor and control system may not match, leading to unstable power supply or signal transmission. The solution is to select sensors that meet the electrical interface requirements or use electrical interface converters to achieve interface compatibility.
  3. Software Protocol Mismatch: Some sensors may not be compatible with the control system's software protocols, resulting in incorrect data transmission and processing. The solution is to choose sensors that support the corresponding software protocols or achieve protocol compatibility through software upgrades.

Future Trends in the Compatibility of Automatic Door Sensors

With the continuous development of automatic door technology, the compatibility issues of automatic door sensors will be further improved. Future trends include:

Intelligence and Standardization

Intelligence and standardization will be important directions for the compatibility development of automatic door sensors. By introducing artificial intelligence technology, sensors can adapt to different control systems, automatically adjust communication protocols and electrical interface parameters, improving compatibility. At the same time, by establishing industry standards, the interfaces and protocols between sensors and control systems can be standardized, achieving cross-brand and model compatibility.

Modular Design

Modular design will make the compatibility of automatic door sensors more flexible. By separating the communication module, electrical interface module, and functional module of the sensor, users can select different modules for combination according to their needs, achieving compatibility with various control systems.

Remote Monitoring and Maintenance

Future automatic door sensors will integrate remote monitoring and maintenance functions, allowing users to monitor the working status of the sensors in real-time through the network, perform fault diagnosis, and remote maintenance. This not only improves the compatibility of the sensors but also significantly reduces maintenance costs.


The compatibility of automatic door sensors is an important factor affecting the performance and stability of automatic door systems. By understanding the types and working principles of sensors, analyzing the characteristics of different brands and types of automatic door control systems, and conducting compatibility testing and solving common problems, it is possible to ensure good compatibility between sensors and control systems.

With the continuous development of intelligence, standardization, and modular design, future automatic door sensors will have higher compatibility and flexibility, adapting to various automatic door control systems and brands, providing users with more stable and reliable automatic door solutions. Whether in commercial buildings, public transportation facilities, healthcare institutions, or residences, the compatibility issues of automatic door sensors will be effectively solved, further enhancing the performance and user experience of automatic door systems.



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