
News > Mid-Autumn Party in QINUO

Mid-Autumn Party in QINUO

Edor | 2020/09/22

Mid-Autumn Party in QINUO

To celebrate the coming of Mid-Autumn Festival, QINUO collected all staff and workers together to hold a party, playing games and enjoying a feast, on Sep 19th.

The party began with the blessing from boss Mr. Lin

QINUO prepared lots of gift and everyone could win them through a game called “Moon-cake Gambling”, a special custom in Southern Fujian. The king/queen of gambling of each table could get the chance to win the grand price.

The lucky Queen of moon-cake gambling won the grand price.

It was the first party after coming back to work from the quarantine. We stay together, play together and eat together, we value the reunion and the happy time in QINUO.

As our boss said: The darkness of COVID-19 will finally pass, and the dawn come again.



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